Horizon Security

Interview with the co-founders of Horizon Security Alessandro Re and Alan Ferrario

Alessandro and Alan tell Radio IT about their friendship and passion for Cyber Security. A podcast that explains the birth, the goals achieved and the new challenges of Horizon Security.

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An informal interview in which the two founders recount, between past, present and future, the birth and evolution of Horizon Security.

A journey that goes through the phases of their professional growth: from meeting in a small company, to managerial roles held in the largest international consulting firms, up to the business world with Horizon Security.

The many professional experiences acquired, the passion for Cyber Security and the consolidated friendship, convinced Alessandro and Alan to found a company engaged in the world of Cyber Security.

With forty employees and two offices in Italy, Horizon Security has gained experience both nationally and internationally, and is able to deal competently with the present and future scenarios of Cyber Security.

In the podcast we will discover the importance of Cyber Security for companies, especially in a situation such as the current one where the Digital Transformation process is greatly accelerated, the need for companies to share confidential information in a secure and governed way in contexts external to the company and OT safety relating to production and critical plants that require external connections for management and maintenance.